Interviews about dream interpretation and my dream dictionary
It’s almost June, when my new book is to be released, and the media wants to know all about it. See below for upcoming shows. Use the “media publicity” link up top to book me for your show or go straight to KT Public Relations.
Here are links to recent ones:

What Do Dreams Mean?
Legendary podcaster Jim Harold quizzes me on my knowledge of dream symbolism and probes the paranormal side of dreaming.
Interviews by Sandra Beck
We discuss all aspects of dreaming and dream interpretation
Power of Dreams Part 1 – Promo first 4 minutes
Power of Dreams Part 2
Interpreting Your Dreams – Promo first 6 minutes
Guy’s Guy Radio
Dream Analysis – I come in at minute 19

Podcast Fun
Stories on Creativity (and Dreams) w Bryan Aiello, a wide ranging talk about Carl Jung and dreams in storytelling.
Upcoming Radio Appearances
June 4: 9pm EST Wendy’s Coffee House w Wendy Garrett on KCMO
June 6: Motherhood Talk and Powered Up talk radio
June 7: Conscious Living w Wendy
June 16: 2pm EST Christine Upchurch’s Stellar Conversations
Listen live on 1150 KKNW Seattle
June 16: 4pm EST Bringing Inspiration to Earth
Listen Live as we talk about using my book to interpret your dreams
To book me for your program, start here:
Media and Publicity for Jason DeBord
And don’t miss my dream interpretation thread at reddit.com